The school ”Maestro Romualdo Aguayo López”


The school ‘’ Maestro Romualdo Aguayo López’’ is located on 42, Cruz Verde Street.

Its first name was ‘’ José Antonio Primo de Rivera’’. Later it was named ‘’ Cruz Verde “ and finally,  five years ago took the name ‘’ Maestro Romualdo Aguayo López ‘’


When it started, it had a one – room of only one floor, there were two very small classrooms. It was situated in the playground.

It was first a boy’s school and later on they accepted girls too.

At present , the school has 430 children.

It was built in several phases. In 1968 they built three independent buildings. It had a six classroom

In 1981, They kindergarten building was erected. . It had four classrooms.

Finally, in 1985 they built new and different rooms, a library,a management room , , a dining hall,  morning classroom. It comunicated two independent building.( the second and the interior).

The gym was a big warehouse, in the years of 1970 was remodelled.


The school is working on  some plans and projects that have led to an increasing improvement, highlighting peace, equality between sexes, encouraging sport among others.

All the activities carried out at the school aim at promoting the integral growth of the person, the appropriate development of children, creating positive attitudes to solve conflicts through dialogue and refusing violence.

You can contact with the school:

phone: 957699611    Fax: 957699612




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