Alfar Escuela

The primary objective of this project is that the visitor is of the age that is to culminate the visitor with an interesting knowledge of the world of pottery and ceramics. It also proposes to present the history and pottery tradition of the City of La Rambla. This is intended to convey the enormous sacrifice involved for artisans pottery sustaining a tradition.

In a friendly setting located at the entrance of the industrial estate Los Alfares, at the main entrance to La Rambla, Carmen del Rio he is able to unleash the creative vocation of his students, mainly schoolchildren. “People who visit us are delighted and indeed all children tell us that, for the elderly, want to be potters,” she says proudly. And her love for the mud and clay runs in the family. Not surprisingly, his grandparents and started in an activity in the village currently generates 200 direct jobs and many indirect.
Following in the footsteps of his father, Potter Honor of La Rambla, Carmen del Río the possibility to value local crafts with the help of his brothers, and Joseph was raised Soledad. Carmen del Rio could realize his dream.

“It’s a very educational activity that allows them to watch live and direct how the modeling process and making significant pieces such as jugs of La Rambla is,” says Carmen, who also plays with his pupils to decipher the meaning of the pottery slang, with terms like “sewer”, “cake” or “cane”.
But Carmen del Rio no longer propose initiatives, for which has the support of Andalusia Emprende, which has advised on the development of a project, as well as the launch of its own website.

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