Fairground “La Minilla”

This street is known as “La Minilla”.  In ancient times La Rambla was settled in a prehistoric village called “La Minilla”. Bell-shaped glasses have been found in this place which date back to more than 4,000 years ago. Later on,  a Roman fortified city was settled in this area and over it, Muslims would found Al-Ramla, which means sandy area.

At present La Minilla  has been given a fairground use. A lot of events take place in this part of the town,  such as the celebration of Andalusia’s day, where children gather together with their bicycles and ride in a race. They have also held other events like beach soccer tournaments, biker concentrations and bullfighting events

La Rambla fair is also held here during the month of August.  This town street also fills up with a solemn and religious atmosphere during the procession of our patron San Lorenzo.The local market also takes place here every Thursday where textiles and food stuff are sold. You can find numerous restaurants and bars too , including a supermarket and the Gardens of Andalusia.

Vaso Campaniforme

Vaso campaniforme hallado en “La Minilla”

Sources consulted:

Town Hall website of La Rambla

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